Uzima Child & Family Therapy

Individual Therapy

facial expression, confuses, thinking

Individual therapy is a collaborative effort between the client and therapist to work on and achieve goals established within the treatment setting.  

Our therapists will work with clients on a one-to-one basis by assessing behaviors, motivators for change, contributing environmental factors, relationships and other potential areas of distress. We rank these factors on a scale that defines if the area interest or distress should be a goal for treatment or if it should be addressed at a later time. Once a list of goals  are established, we will recommend specific interventions that will support you in reaching your goals. 

We find that individual therapy works best when clients are engaged, interested and willing to work with the therapist. For those reasons we maintain the standard of client-centered sessions, meaning you are in control of your treatment.

Parenting Support

Child rearing can be a difficult process even for veteran parents. Each child is different and may respond to various ways of parenting, which can make supporting your child quite a task. Parenting support sessions are designed to provide the caregiver with resources and additional skills to strengthen the ability to support the child. 

We pride ourselves in listening to the parent’s concerns and working with the entire family system to  guide the caregiver in navigating the emotional and intellectual development of the child.

Group Therapy

kids running, child, girl

Group therapy provides a unique opportunity for children and adolescents to come together and share their experiences with one another. 

Within group therapy, participants are led in age appropriate activities and discussions that will help to support their active and supportive listening skills, build self-esteem, practice skills for making and maintaining friendships, processing difficult experiences and ultimately understanding they are not alone.